Cross-Pollinating Music & Nature. EcoTones Concerts celebrates the local pollinators who live in St. Louis urban nature spaces including birds, bugs, and butterflies through joyful and whimsical music that cross-pollinates classical chamber music and jazz improvisation. Featuring an EcoTones chamber ensemble of nationally and internationally-known St. Louis-natives including cellist Jody Redhage Ferber and saxophonist Chris Cheek.
Cross-Pollinating Music & Nature. EcoTones Concerts celebrates the local pollinators who live in St. Louis urban nature spaces including birds, bugs, and butterflies through joyful and whimsical music that cross-pollinates classical chamber music and jazz improvisation. Featuring an EcoTones chamber ensemble of nationally and internationally-known St. Louis-natives including cellist Jody Redhage Ferber and saxophonist Chris Cheek.
Cross-Pollinating Music & Nature. EcoTones Concerts celebrates the local pollinators who live in St. Louis urban nature spaces including birds, bugs, and butterflies through joyful and whimsical music that cross-pollinates classical chamber music and jazz improvisation. Featuring an EcoTones chamber ensemble of nationally and internationally-known St. Louis-natives including cellist Jody Redhage Ferber and saxophonist Chris Cheek.
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