How to Get a Marriage License in Massachusetts
Traveling to Cape Cod for your wedding? Be sure to follow these steps.
Each state has its own regulations for applying for marriage licenses. For out-of-state couples planning to tie the knot on Cape Cod, it is important to familiarize yourselves with these tedious rules.
Out-of-State marriage licenses are NOT valid in Massachusetts, so be sure to obtain your license here if you are going to be wed here.
Couples need to come in together and bring along picture ID (it is also good to know your Social Security number). Couples do not need to be Massachusetts residents. Some towns may require a birth certificate. The exceptions to coming in together are if a person is in the military, intentions may be filed by either party, providing one is a Massachusetts resident and if a person is incarcerated in a county house of correction or a state correctional facility, intentions may be filed by either party.
There is no medical certificate required in Massachusetts and no blood test is required.
Licenses are valid for 60 days after intentions have been filed. There is a mandatory 3-day waiting period that can be waived in front of a probate or district court judge if the couple demonstrates "good reason". Orleans District Court can do this for a fee of $195 and Barnstable Probate Court can do this for a fee of $65.
The day of filing is NOT included in the 3-day waiting period, but Sundays and holidays are.
There is no requirement for witnesses to be present at the ceremony in Massachusetts.
It is the responsibility of the person officiating to complete, sign, and return the marriage certificate to the town hall it was issued from.
For more detailed information about getting married in Massachusetts, visit here.
Massachusetts: Boston
Other States: Connecticut Maine Massachusetts New Hampshire Rhode Island
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